What Does It Mean ?
Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not as high as it would be if you had diabetes. Without prevention or treatment, prediabetes can become type 2 diabetes which is irreversible.
Are There Any Symptoms of Prediabetes?
There are no symptoms. Only way is to test is by doing blood test.
Prediabetes is reversible!
How can i prevent it ?
Making simple changes to your lifestyle and habits, such as diet and exercise plans, can help you take control and prevent diabetes.
150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, which may include brisk walking and strength training.
Avoid foods containing carbohydrate and starch.
Try to lose weight , avoid fad diets.
How we can support you?
Book an appointment for fasting blood sugar/ oral glucose tolerance test.
We will assess your height, weight, BMI, waist circumference and Blood pressure.
Assess your family history, diet history, lifestyle habits such as smoking / alcohol consumption, exercise and occupation history.
After calculating your risk, diet and exercise plan will be given to you.
We will have a follow up review 3 months later, to see the improvement.
Kindly call 65184268 or whats app 88968716 for appointment.
Stay Safe! Stay healthy!
Get your health screened at $5 or less with Screen for Life (SFL) subsidies (* SINGAPOREAN ONLY).